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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Communal Prayer for Government Leaders

 A Communal Prayer for Government Leaders

In the Name of GOD, the Compassionate, the Merciful,
Praise be to GOD, Lord of the Creation
The Compassionate, The Merciful.
King of Judgment-Day!
“ To YOU Alone we submit ourselves,
To YOU Alone we entrust ourselves
We the Muslims, Lumads and Christians,
Your faithful people in Lanao, plead and pray for your Devine Assistance.

“We ask, O GOD, for the Grace to be our best selves
To unceasingly work for Peace, in unity despite of our different faiths’ diversity
We ask for the vision and Enlightenment as a people coming from various
Religious traditions and make us become instruments of PEACE”
In the pursuit of genuine brotherhood and sisterhood in humanity

“For YOU, oh GOD, have been so gracious to us
Fill each heart of our local political leaders and guide them to the right path so that
As elected by their people into Public Officers, they will continue to stand firm
As civil servants in bringing an END TO WAR and violence and that they promote
Peace and Development in our beloved homeland

“For YOU, Oh GOD, have been the Life-Giver to us
In YOUR unending goodness, strengthen the determination of our Traditional land
Religious leaders of our particular localities and faith communities
To protect the dignity of the poor and the vulnerable in Accord
To Your Mercy as YOU are The most Merciful

“For YOU, Oh GOD, have been the unequalled Benefactor to us
Kindly provide unto us, your faithful people and servants, the necessary courage
To position our trust and cooperation to our community’s traditional, religious,
And Political leaders in planting the seeds of peace in Lanao and in the
Entire Territory of the wonderful beloved homeland Mindanao

“Give Us the Depot of Soul, O GOD, to constrains our might,
To resist the temptations of disunity and resist the comfort of misunderstanding
Here in Lanao, War, Violence, and greed had no reason to survive and
They will annihilated completely

Create in each one of us a clean heart GOD, so that in this Journey
Of Life and Faith, together we will enjoy the bounty and the beauty of these
Diverse faith communities living harmoniously
Where Peace makes God’s people more faithful to the Almighty.


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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thanksgiving Interfaith Prayer

Thanksgiving Interfaith Prayer

Let us begin our Thanksgiving by worshipping our God of history, the ground of our being, the source of Life, the compassionate and merciful, who guides and journeys with us to the right path, he who connects us to people and societies.
ALL: Let us celebrate with joy that our awareness and openness will bear fruit of increased union with God and with one another.
As we reckoned the time of the past
This is the time before any of us knew one another. The time before this knowing, when all that is to be was still contained in very being of God.
This is the time of the present
This is where we are together. Our time and energy are gathered into this place. Here we recognize one another and are known as partners in advocating peace.
This is time of the future
We acknowledge this time because we believe in the past and we believe in the present. Because we have touched these times, we know that there is energy that goes on ahead of us. This energy ensures to continue to connect us regardless of time and space as we look forward to our journey in peace.
ALL: Creator God, the God of Relationship and Dialogue, bless this times of past, of present, of future. May these flames of dwelling, of memory and hope become an endless ring of blessings. Calm the turmoil within the gentleness of your peace.
Quiet the anxiety within with a deep trust in you. Strengthen the ties that connect us to one another with the loving bond that you and your God set for us. Compassionate God, be to us the source of light and warm of strength and courage, so that we may be generous and faithful to our commitment for peace and development.